Saturday, June 29, 2013

Trayvon Martin

To the store I walked to get a few treats
A colorful bag of skittles and a cold, cold ice tea
On my way back to the house I got caught in the rain
I said, "Rachel looks like I'm gon' have to get  on out the way."

Underneath the mailbox is where I stood
Still asking my homegirl if she think I should
Make a mad dash to the house and get soaking wet
But I stood there for a minute in hopes the rain would fall less.

Then I noticed a guy in his truck and said, "I see a man starring at me"
Rachel replied, "Who knows...a rapist he might be."
"Don't play with me like that," I replied
She said, "Why would he be looking at you like that Trayvon...why?"

So I took off walking towards the house
Told her I noticed that same man following me now
"Run" she said, you betta make a move
I replied, "Nawww...I'm just gon' walk and I'm close to my daddy's too."

But I still noticed this man was behind me
So I told Rachel I'm gon' take a short cut in hopes he won't be behind me
Then next thing you know he's found me and following me again
Told Rachel, "He's getting close. He's closing in."

She said run but afraid and why would I lead him to my house
So the words "Why you following me for" came out my mouth
He replied, What you doing around here" breathing hard
As you know, after that I didn't get very far.

So now the question is....who was the aggressor?
Do we give him 2nd degree or do he deserve something lessor?
Though no one knows and now we have to sit and wait on the outcome
God knows the truth, so do I and we ain't the only one.

(Written by Leukemiona, 2013)

This poem was written in my own words and not the words of anyone else.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

I Love You...Love, Trayvon Martin

I was sitting here watching Nancy Grace talk about the Trayvon Martin trial and I began to write...

God started to write a book...
And it began with, "From the womb of Sybrina Fulton I took"
A little boy she and his dad named Trayvon Martin
And with the first breath I put in him; his eyes I also put a spark in.

Mom, I know that 17 years wasn't long enough for us
And each day that goes by, the pain of not having me there gets tough
The moments of seeing my smile, it hurts
But I know the love of God and the fact that it works
So on Him I call-asking Him to hold you very tight
To let you know He took me home and I made it safe...alright
Each time I look down and see there's not a smile on your face
I get this hurt in my stomach because I cannot take what you're feeling away
But think about those moments together
And think about the laughs we sat and had
And know that no matter the outcome of this current trial...
God called me home to Him...and to know can't be mad.

Dad, I know that 17 years went quicker than it should have
And if you had known my death was near, we could've at least had our last laugh
But to know...wouldn't have made it any more easier
I'm just glad that you were always there when I needed ya'
Just make sure to take care of my mama and know that the two of you will make it
Know that God is real and the pain you have, He'll do away with it
I sit here while looking down of all of you and I remember the times
I lay here and think about conversations we had and start repeating the lines
I know that there is no replacing me and though it does...
Don't let the pain of losing me overcome you because I'm just fine up above
Keep your heart and open and receive the love that God is giving
And know that I made it I'm not just alive...I'm truly living.

Love, your son...

(Written by Leukemiona Kelley, 6/26/2013

Thursday, June 20, 2013


I woke up this morning so inspired. I love to write and because poetry is my passion I'm going to look into starting my own greeting card line. That's something that's been on my mind for a long while.

Yesterday a lady made a post on FB about having a daughter with disabilities and the day-to-day struggled with taking care of her. I reached out to her by writing a poem on behalf of her daughter. The feedback that I received is the reason why I write. I never know the response I'm going to get but I always want people to know that I do it with good intentions.

Writing poetry has been a big help for me. It's saved my life and I'm so thankful for the gift. I started this blog as a way to continue to share my gift and help save lives. You're comments and feedback is greatly appreciated.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

My Talk with GOD

I remember writing this poem about the day that I was born. This is a poem that is very dear to my heart. I hope you enjoy the read.

“My Talk With God”

Born two months early. Delivered from a dry birth. Fighting for life at 3lbs 5 ounces. God spoke, “This breath, you’re worth.” (Blowing) “Welcome to my world. Walk with me & talk with me.”

11:48 am, Feb. 23rd, 1977 I get here. Crying in fear but awakened. See, God knew I was no mistake and…he knew my potential. He giggles, “Poetry you resemble. Words placed on the center of your tongue. The truth formed in the center of your eyes. A brain built in the rawest form. Your presence is one they’ll remember for life.”

Then he told me, “Leukemiona, there’s only one you. No other. I will now place you in the hands of your mother for guidance. If ever you’re in need, place the ground up under your knees and talk to me. I am the wisest. Remember that life is a continued journey. There will be many forks in the road, lots of decisions to be made. You will often cry and sometimes it may seem as you’re in constant pain. You’ll sometimes doubt me and you will often ask me why. You’ll want what you want when you want it & wonder why the slow reply. Just know that I am always here and you will never have to worry. Whenever the water seems to get too deep. I will always be here to carry…you. Remember that I am the truth, the way & the light. And don’t forget that it’s me & through my precious son Jesus Christ you’re blessed with this life. Now cry…”

Only a few hours old and I let out a scream. My mother tried to comfort me and the nurses told her to feed. But his gift to me was one that brought the tears to my eyes. At only a few hours old, I cried thankful for my gift of life. I said to him, “Lord thank you. And as long as I live, I will always know there is only one you. I want to thank you for taking the time to perfect me. They say that no one is perfect but every time I look in the mirror…I see it directly. You make no mistakes. Everything is perfect that you create. I am your child. A child of God. You are my father. Doubting you will be a hard job. You see, you are faithful, kind, gentle and your love is unconditional. No matter my troubles, you’re always near me so…I don’t have to worry and yes, times may even get scary. And I may start to wonder but I know. That as long as I’m walking this road I am not alone. As you place me in my mothers arms and the world becomes my playground and my mother becomes my teacher. And when the rain comes pouring down…I know I can call if I need you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so very much. There is nothing like a father’s love. God, I love you!”

Written by: Leukemiona Daniels 2010

The Bully

Bullying is something that have to seem to become the norm. Do I agree with it? NO!!! Should it happen? NO!!! Does it happen? EVERYDAY!!! I've been bullied and it's not nice. I wanted to share what I wrote:

I stood...
Rope tied around my neck and 'round the pole in my closet, waiting to hang myself
I cried telling my mommy kids picking on me but she said, "You betta learn to defend yo'self."
I was told that my hair was nappy, that my clothes made no sense
They trip me as I walk down the hallway and in my face they spit.
I cried and ran to the bathroom and looked at my angered face in the mirror
As I stood there starring, the face of my hurt became clearer.
I thought, "what if I told my teacher? Well maybe he wouldn't be any help."
Tried talking to my mommy but I just am unable to defend myself.
So I came up out the bathroom and on my way to class
A hallway filled with students against the walls who point their finger and laugh.
They say, "Where did you get those shoes from? Look like the Wal-Mart store."
They stood there dying laughing and laughed at me some more.
I got angry and said, "So what. That's all my mom could afford."
They replied, "Yo' momma is fat dookie head," and then called my mom a whore.
I ran off embarrassed and mad at what they said,
I kneeled in the corner of the next bathroom wishing I was dead.
I didn't want to face the hallways, I couldn't bare those laughing faces
I went to confide in my teacher who said, "Jackson you and her trade places."
Now that Jackson's gone a seat over he assumed I would be safe
He might as well just told him to stay in his same ol' place...
Cause when the bell rang and he sang, "Yo' momma is a dookie head. Yo' momma is a dookie head."
Now I'm even more hurt,
I ran home and told my momma this and she said, "That's what boys do to try and flirt."
I tried telling her that I didn't want to go to school because the kids would laugh,
She said, "I bet not hear you lost a fight or I'm gon' beat yo' ass."
So what do I do to remove myself from this awful and painful position,
I guess I'll kill myself and then when I'm dead...I bet they'll pay attention.

-We have to learn to listen to our children & take action. And those parents of bullies need to quit defending.

(Written by Leukemiona Daniels, 2010)

Truth Found In Love

I wanted to write a poem that talked about the reality of "not knowing." I think no matter's very important for children to know who their parents (biological) are. I don't think this is something that should be "thought out" because then things happen. Things like this:

A ninth grader in school and my mind began to roam
I see a fine ass girl that I truly wanted to bone.
See...she was fine as shyt and all the dudes wanted to get wit her
And not only that, it was their mindset that they was gone hit her.
So one day outta nowhere I scooped up on her and asked
Tapped her on her shoulder and asked if I could walk her to class.
Smile as lovely as a rainbow lite sky and hair as silky as sheets
I told her that later on this evening it would nice if we could meet.
My mother worked the nite shift and she trusted me at home alone
As soon as she got to my house, my fingers began to roam.
I talked her into letting me get it and then I was satisfied
She asked if she could see me again and I just smiled and said yes, tho' I was lying.
So I told my mama about her, how I was digging her style
She looked at me ask, "What's the name of that child?"
I told her, "LeShay Morris and mama she's really cute"
She just smiled and said, "I don't think she'll be a good match for you."
Cos even tho' I blew her off, I really wanted to see
You know try to find out if she would come back see how much she was digging me.
So again she came by and we fucked and my mother came home
LeShay looked at her and said, "Hey Ms. Davis! I ain't seen you in so long."
I'm looking confused and asked, "How do you know my mother."
Before LeShay could respond, my mom's said, "LeShay say hi to your brother."

**All these years I never knew my biological father until I fucked his daughter**

(Written by Leukemiona Daniels, 2011)

When Do We Talk (A Child's Question)

I don't remember exactly what I was doing when I wrote this but I do remembering wanting to talk about teen pregnancy. I think it's very important that we talk with our children early and as soon as their ready (DO NOT IGNORE...the SIGNS). Even though it's hard for us sometimes, it's needed. Therefore I wrote:

See...I wanted to talk to her but...
What do I say when I'm on thirteen.
I looked in the eyes of my father on a picture
No way to talk wit a dude out there lost in the streets.
So, I hollered at my homegirl and told her the bizness
Said how I was wanting to have sex wit dude.
And she said, "I woulda been did it."
Dude fine.
If I said I didn't want to, I'd be lieing.
I was told to talk to my parents when I was ready for sex
Daddy would say, "I bet not hear u phukn or I'm gon break yo' gaut dayum neck."
Mama say, "Baby you too young. You don't know wut you doing."
So, if I'm ready and I'm telling them both the truth & they ain't trying to hear me,
Wut do I do?
My friends at skool say to roll wit it
Dude tell me that I ain't too young for him to hit it.
Cos he's only fifteen
Say he know wut he doing
Say it won't hurt
Say he'll take care of everything.
So, I play it off and tell my mama that we talking 'bout sex at skool
She say, "They need my consent b4 discussing shyt like that wit you."
Then said, "Hell y'all too young. Don't know nuttn about sex."
I said, "Well if u feel u want to. Wut happens next?"
She say, "Girl when u get a lil' older we'll sit down and talk about the birds & the bees."
But when that time came I already had two mouths to feed.

-We need to talk to our children

(Written by Leukemiona Daniels, 2010)

Written for Pastor Marvin Sapp

I remember seeing a news article about the passing of Pastor Marvin Sapp's wife, MaLinda. Although I was confident he would never see it, I wanted to write for I did.

September 9, 2010 an angel sat down next to me and smiled
I glanced over and asked, "Can you come back in just a lil' while?" but...
He shook his head in a, NO, response and said, "We have to do this now"
"Being with God, I want to. But leaving my family, I just don't know how," I replied.
The angel held my hand tightly and said, "It's not going to be easy but something God will take care of,"
I closed my eyes and in prayer said, "Please give them all my love," and I went home.

The pain in my heart from having to leave you
But constant prayer in my heart asking God to oversee you.
I know that every since the day I left...just hasn't been easy
And every waking moment, our children, they need me.
And as much as y'all need me--I need you
But I know that with time God will help you get all.

I wish sometimes I could pick up the phone and call you
In a physical way is how I wish now that I saw you.
Let me say that I'm with you every single day
Know that I still love you in the exact same way.
The tears fall from my eyes the same way they fall from yours
Because I miss you
Every single day I wish I could physically hug and kiss you.

God puts us on earth for a limited time to live
Then He comes back and take us home to give...eternal life.
And though we know death comes after living
It's hard to accept that awful feeling.
But know that I am safely home now
And every second of the day I'm looking down...on you.

To my three beautiful children...I love you
And I know that it is truly hard to understand
But you're blessed with the strength of a loving man...your father.
So if you need to shed a tear, he's there
Something on your mind that you need to share
Need to cry out and have questions to be answered
Know my love surrounds you each and every day
Know I will protect you in each and every way
I love you.

Thank you for being such a wonderful husband to me
Thank you for showing me unconditional love
Thank you for holding my hand and never letting go
Thank you for being such a loving father
Thank you for being my best friend
Thank you listening and wiping my tears
Thank you for the laughter and memories
Thank you for supporting me
Thank you for...
This list could go on and on, so thank you
I just wanted to send these words of love
I love you!

Your Wife & Mom,
MaLinda Sapp

(Written by Leukemiona Daniels, 2010)

CRIME STOPPERS ALERT: Police need help finding Khyre Campbell, teen last seen in west Tulsa

CRIME STOPPERS ALERT: Police need help finding Khyre Campbell, teen last seen in west Tulsa

Though I do not know Khyre personally, I saw a post on my FB wall from his sister MsNeicy asking all of us to re-post this information in hopes that her & her family will soon get answers of his whereabouts. I know the feeling of pain and when I see someone hurting, I want to help so I wrote a poem:

For Khyre's sister (family). God bless.

God calls home angels after their purpose on this earth is complete
God watches ova us on all angles and yes, He is still watching ova me.
I know that as the days pass the pain you feel within shines through
I know it's hard to not know if my life...I'm still living or if God called me home too.
But know that my love for u will never die.
Know that those tears laying on ur face will dry.
Know that with every moment we live, I'm always next to u.
Know that we have a powerful God so let God do what He do.
One day u will see me again...look at you...I love u so.
When God says it's suppose to whereabouts...u'll know.
My love will continue to me.
My arms still hold u comfy.


**Thanks Shala**

(Written by Leukemiona Kelley, 2013)


In Memory of Kile Glover, the son of Tameka J Raymond.

When I heard that Tameka had lost her son...I was in shock. I know death comes but it's still hard to hear. I wanted to write for her...from him. So I did just that.

Mom, I'm kinda at a loss for words cos I know that you're hurting
Words to be said but I juss don't know the wording.
Watching the tears fall down your face...pure heartache
The pain in your heart asking, "Why did you take him away?"

Losing me-your, I know is painful
No joy at all though you may try to find it at any angle.
But I hope you get comfort from the words that are written
And know that you, mother, I will always be missing.

I ask that God come to you in your time of need
I ask that God comfort you as your heart it may bleed.
I ask that God protect you as time continue to pass
I ask that God wipe away the tears you shed from feeling so sad.

I will continue to watch you from above the blue-filled skies
I will kiss your cheek every day you wake and when you fall asleep at night.
I will continue to bring beautiful memories to you daily
Mama, i will always and forever be Kile...your baby.

To my brothers, I know that right now this loss may seem unreal
And no, I can't say I know how you feel.
But I ask God to keep you pain free
I ask God to take care of you as He has done with me.

I wish that I had that one chance to say good-bye
Though I couldn't orally...God blessed Shala to write.
And I hope these words touch you in so many ways
And I hope they stay with you throughout the upcoming days.

Family, I know it's hard and I know we sometimes question
But I know God and I thank Him for the many blessings.
The time we had, the things we shared
The blessings of the memories that will continue to be there.

Be a support system for each other and I'll continue to be...
To be that angel that God has asked of me.
I'll continue to protect you as I fly above so high
God has called me home and placed me in your hearts...I did not die.


Written by Leukemiona Kelley, 2012

**My prayers are with you. I hope this helps. God bless!!!**

To Nicci. Love Kenny.

I remember watching R&B Divas and seeing Nicci talk about her cousin Kenny's passing. I wanted to write for her...that's what I do. I'm hoping that one day she'll see this and that it'll help. Though I know my words can't replace anyone, I hope it helps heal.

"To Nicci. Love Kenny."

When God called me home, I no longer put up a fight,
When the angels said, "Let's go." I knew that it was gonna be alright.
When I reached the heavens above, I could see the tears in your eyes,
When the night fell upon you, that's when I really realized.

So I asked God to please keep you wrapped tightly in His arms,
I also asked that He let you know that I made it safely home.
I then asked if He could cease the pain and hurt,
Lastly I asked that He stay with you cos I know how God's love work.

Nicci, I miss you more than you can ever know,
And it's true...I hate I had to go.
If there was a way I could've warned you, I probably wouldn't have,
Because I know it would've made you much more sad.

I am so happy to see all the great things you're doing,
The Curvato line and all the other things you're pursuing.
I knew that you would make it-you know, be famous and all,
I think I told you that if I can truly recall.

Baby girl, keep doing you and know that you are very special to me,
Though I hate that I'm no longer with you, the Heavens I don't want to leave.
But every time the wind blows, my arms are being wrapped around you,
And every time the thunder roars I'm screaming, "I love you," in hopes that it found you.

Though death brings distance our hearts keep up close.


(Written by Leukemiona Kelley, 6/7/2013)

Monday, June 17, 2013

Kennedale Teacher Shot to Death.

Kennedale teacher shot to death

A teacher was shot and killed and I wanted to write this poem to share with the students at Kennedale Jr. High.

"To my students at Kennedale Jr. High"

I really don't know exactly where to begin,
But I want to dry those tears and cease the pain that's deep within.
I know right now...hearing about my passing has shocked you,
But matter what you feel, the good Lord, He got you.

My death was no mistake, God was the one to call me home,
I know you may not understand right now but God can do no wrong....
I just wish that you didn't have to be hurting right now,
I just wish there was a way I could stop it some how.

I'm hoping the words being written here will help,
Know that I wish I could be right there myself.
But I ask that God keep His loving arms around you real tight,
And let you know that I made to the heavens alright.

I will forever miss you guys...I will,
And I'll be here to watch over you still.
Just cherish the memories we were blessed to have,
And just remember my smile and my laugh.

Mr. Shreves

(Written by Leukemiona, 6/12/13)

"Chi City Youth" By Jazmine McKinney (

Someone shared this on my FB wall. I can dig it.

TURF FEINZ RIP RichD Dancing in the Rain Oakland Street | YAK FILMS

I remember seeing D-Real (in white shirt, starts dancing at 1:24) on World of Jenks and hearing him talk about the death of his brother. When he spoke, you could see the pain in his eyes and the tears fell. My heart went out to him so I wrote this poem and then I sent a message to Andrew Jenks on Twitter asking if he could pass it along. He responded asking for a link and at that time, I didn't have one but now I do. I hope he gets a chance to see this.

"A Letter from Dom"

Bro, I want to first say that for my death you are not to blame
God said that heaven was in need of angels so I gladly came.
Life on earth is not meant to be forever and we all know this
But when you lose someone so close, life seems to lose purpose.

Bro, I know that my leaving you has been hard to understand
But God makes no mistakes when He lays out His plans.
Whatever my purpose was on God's earth, it has been filled
I don't want you to hurt cause that's not what you're suppose to feel.

I hate I had to leave you the way I did but on my face I wear a smile
Though you can't see physically, I'm in a place called heaven now.
I just hope you can get to a place where you're okay
And don't forget that God wants you to ask for His pray.

I wasn't perfect and not everything I did was in a good light
But the time I lived upon His green earth, I put up a good fight.
When the heat from the bullet tore through my body I knew
There was nothing I could say, take back or do.

My life has now come to an end, physically anyway
But I am here to protect you, you're guardian angel every day.
Continue to dance, especially in the rain...cause y'all did that
I wish I could but we both know I'm not coming back.

Tell mama, I love her and the the rest of the family too
"Look me in my face, I ain't got no worries" (in my Lil' Wayne voice), cause I truly believe in you.
You're going to do great things, the road you'll travel will be long
But know that as you take each step you won't be alone.

Though death brings us distance, our hearts keep us close.

Love you bro,

(Written by Leukemiona Kelley, 2013)

Trapped Firefighter Found Dead In Dallas Fire - America Flag Drapes St...

My heart went out to Mr. Wilson's family when I saw this news broadcast and I wrote:

I went in to rescue those trapped in the building
But as I walked, over me came a very odd feeling
Then a voice spoke to me and said, "Son it's time.
Reach up and grab this hand of mine."

Without a second thought I did just that
The voice continued to say, "There's no coming back.
Your families pain, I'll make sure to ease.
Just let me do the work that needs to be."

Up to the heavenly skies I flew
My heart beat slowly died and then I knew
That the tears from your face would fall at a constant pace
But this smile I wear is because I know I won the race.

To my fellow firefighters, continue to do the work you're called to do
It's been my pleasure daily to get up and work beside each one of you
Know that I'm still looking from up top on you down below
It was meant...I had to go.

To my family, know that no mistake was was time
God had a plan for was a master design
Though I'm not physically there, I am not gone
I just reside with my God in His lovely home.

Though death brings distance, our hearts keep us close.

Stanley Wilson

Written by Leukemiona Kelley, 2013

Connecticut Shooting & the Children Who Lost Their Lives.

I will never forget hearing the news about the many children killed in the Connecticut shooting. Such a senseless murder. So immediately I wrote a poem from the eyes of the one holding the gun:

I woke up with a headache
Looked at my hands that were shaking
Heard my mother yell from downstairs
"Honey I made you biscuits, eggs and bacon."

Didn't wanna see the look on her face so I snuck thru...
Opposite side of the kitchen and headed off to skool
Told my classmates that life for me was ova
Told them not to show up the next day if they wanted to grow older.

 Went home and confessed to my mother of my hatred
She looked me in the eye saying, "It's gonna b okay kid."
I told her-she didn't understand cos it wasn't
My thoughts say to live but my heart doesn't.

 She said that sometimes we get down but that will pass
But the very next morning I showed up with a gun to class.
Said to my teacher, "I don't know why but this has to...
It has to happen. I have to kill you."

 I looked at my friends and said, "I told you don't come.
I wasn't lying to you and now you're facing the barrel of my gun."
I closed my eyes and I felt the power as my arm yanked back
I heard the casings go...clack, clack, clack.

 I heard yelling and screaming and my teacher yell, "Noooooo!"
Then she hit the floor and I didn't hear her no more.
One after one, they fell
I already felt right then I was going to hell.

 So immediately I turned the gun on myself and I shot
But when I came to, heaven is where I was not.
Surrounded by armed cops, doctors and nurses
The thoughts I had now had immediately worsened.

 I went to take lives as well as my own
A failed suicide mission gone wrong.
The death sentence..a light one compared to what I'm about to see
So senseless was the killing but it made sense to me.


**Written by Leukemiona, 2012**

I Am...Shala.

I am...Shala. In June of 1998 I was asked, "How much do you love me?" At that time I didn't know how to express myself verbally so I began to write. My feelings poured out onto a sheet of paper and by the time I was finished...there was my first poem. The more questions I was asked, the more poetry I began to write. I remember hearing a voice stating, "Write. I want you to write in a way that it save lives." I didn't get it then but I do now.

I have been given a gift to write poetry in a way that I've never known. I write poetry in order to help, heal and save lives. I write without thought. I write without true insight. I's my passion and I enjoy every moment. I started this blog to share my gift with the world.

Please...sit back, relax and read. I welcome all comments and feedback.