Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Written for Pastor Marvin Sapp

I remember seeing a news article about the passing of Pastor Marvin Sapp's wife, MaLinda. Although I was confident he would never see it, I wanted to write for him...so I did.

September 9, 2010 an angel sat down next to me and smiled
I glanced over and asked, "Can you come back in just a lil' while?" but...
He shook his head in a, NO, response and said, "We have to do this now"
"Being with God, I want to. But leaving my family, I just don't know how," I replied.
The angel held my hand tightly and said, "It's not going to be easy but something God will take care of,"
I closed my eyes and in prayer said, "Please give them all my love," and I went home.

The pain in my heart from having to leave you
But constant prayer in my heart asking God to oversee you.
I know that every since the day I left...just hasn't been easy
And every waking moment, our children, they need me.
And as much as y'all need me--I need you
But I know that with time God will help you get thru...it all.

I wish sometimes I could pick up the phone and call you
In a physical way is how I wish now that I saw you.
Let me say that I'm with you every single day
Know that I still love you in the exact same way.
The tears fall from my eyes the same way they fall from yours
Because I miss you
Every single day I wish I could physically hug and kiss you.

God puts us on earth for a limited time to live
Then He comes back and take us home to give...eternal life.
And though we know death comes after living
It's hard to accept that awful feeling.
But know that I am safely home now
And every second of the day I'm looking down...on you.

To my three beautiful children...I love you
And I know that it is truly hard to understand
But you're blessed with the strength of a loving man...your father.
So if you need to shed a tear, he's there
Something on your mind that you need to share
Need to cry out and have questions to be answered
Know my love surrounds you each and every day
Know I will protect you in each and every way
I love you.

Thank you for being such a wonderful husband to me
Thank you for showing me unconditional love
Thank you for holding my hand and never letting go
Thank you for being such a loving father
Thank you for being my best friend
Thank you listening and wiping my tears
Thank you for the laughter and memories
Thank you for supporting me
Thank you for...
This list could go on and on, so thank you
I just wanted to send these words of love
I love you!

Your Wife & Mom,
MaLinda Sapp

(Written by Leukemiona Daniels, 2010)

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