Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Bully

Bullying is something that have to seem to become the norm. Do I agree with it? NO!!! Should it happen? NO!!! Does it happen? EVERYDAY!!! I've been bullied and it's not nice. I wanted to share what I wrote:

I stood...
Rope tied around my neck and 'round the pole in my closet, waiting to hang myself
I cried telling my mommy kids picking on me but she said, "You betta learn to defend yo'self."
I was told that my hair was nappy, that my clothes made no sense
They trip me as I walk down the hallway and in my face they spit.
I cried and ran to the bathroom and looked at my angered face in the mirror
As I stood there starring, the face of my hurt became clearer.
I thought, "what if I told my teacher? Well maybe he wouldn't be any help."
Tried talking to my mommy but I just am unable to defend myself.
So I came up out the bathroom and on my way to class
A hallway filled with students against the walls who point their finger and laugh.
They say, "Where did you get those shoes from? Look like the Wal-Mart store."
They stood there dying laughing and laughed at me some more.
I got angry and said, "So what. That's all my mom could afford."
They replied, "Yo' momma is fat dookie head," and then called my mom a whore.
I ran off embarrassed and mad at what they said,
I kneeled in the corner of the next bathroom wishing I was dead.
I didn't want to face the hallways, I couldn't bare those laughing faces
I went to confide in my teacher who said, "Jackson you and her trade places."
Now that Jackson's gone a seat over he assumed I would be safe
He might as well just told him to stay in his same ol' place...
Cause when the bell rang and he sang, "Yo' momma is a dookie head. Yo' momma is a dookie head."
Now I'm even more hurt,
I ran home and told my momma this and she said, "That's what boys do to try and flirt."
I tried telling her that I didn't want to go to school because the kids would laugh,
She said, "I bet not hear you lost a fight or I'm gon' beat yo' ass."
So what do I do to remove myself from this awful and painful position,
I guess I'll kill myself and then when I'm dead...I bet they'll pay attention.

-We have to learn to listen to our children & take action. And those parents of bullies need to quit defending.

(Written by Leukemiona Daniels, 2010)

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