Tuesday, June 18, 2013

To Nicci. Love Kenny.

I remember watching R&B Divas and seeing Nicci talk about her cousin Kenny's passing. I wanted to write for her...that's what I do. I'm hoping that one day she'll see this and that it'll help. Though I know my words can't replace anyone, I hope it helps heal.

"To Nicci. Love Kenny."

When God called me home, I no longer put up a fight,
When the angels said, "Let's go." I knew that it was gonna be alright.
When I reached the heavens above, I could see the tears in your eyes,
When the night fell upon you, that's when I really realized.

So I asked God to please keep you wrapped tightly in His arms,
I also asked that He let you know that I made it safely home.
I then asked if He could cease the pain and hurt,
Lastly I asked that He stay with you cos I know how God's love work.

Nicci, I miss you more than you can ever know,
And it's true...I hate I had to go.
If there was a way I could've warned you, I probably wouldn't have,
Because I know it would've made you much more sad.

I am so happy to see all the great things you're doing,
The Curvato line and all the other things you're pursuing.
I knew that you would make it-you know, be famous and all,
I think I told you that if I can truly recall.

Baby girl, keep doing you and know that you are very special to me,
Though I hate that I'm no longer with you, the Heavens I don't want to leave.
But every time the wind blows, my arms are being wrapped around you,
And every time the thunder roars I'm screaming, "I love you," in hopes that it found you.

Though death brings distance our hearts keep up close.


(Written by Leukemiona Kelley, 6/7/2013)

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