Saturday, June 29, 2013

Trayvon Martin

To the store I walked to get a few treats
A colorful bag of skittles and a cold, cold ice tea
On my way back to the house I got caught in the rain
I said, "Rachel looks like I'm gon' have to get  on out the way."

Underneath the mailbox is where I stood
Still asking my homegirl if she think I should
Make a mad dash to the house and get soaking wet
But I stood there for a minute in hopes the rain would fall less.

Then I noticed a guy in his truck and said, "I see a man starring at me"
Rachel replied, "Who knows...a rapist he might be."
"Don't play with me like that," I replied
She said, "Why would he be looking at you like that Trayvon...why?"

So I took off walking towards the house
Told her I noticed that same man following me now
"Run" she said, you betta make a move
I replied, "Nawww...I'm just gon' walk and I'm close to my daddy's too."

But I still noticed this man was behind me
So I told Rachel I'm gon' take a short cut in hopes he won't be behind me
Then next thing you know he's found me and following me again
Told Rachel, "He's getting close. He's closing in."

She said run but afraid and why would I lead him to my house
So the words "Why you following me for" came out my mouth
He replied, What you doing around here" breathing hard
As you know, after that I didn't get very far.

So now the question is....who was the aggressor?
Do we give him 2nd degree or do he deserve something lessor?
Though no one knows and now we have to sit and wait on the outcome
God knows the truth, so do I and we ain't the only one.

(Written by Leukemiona, 2013)

This poem was written in my own words and not the words of anyone else.

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