Monday, December 15, 2014

In Memory of Wayne Mills (Friend of Craig Wayne Boyd & Blake Shelton)

I was watching a recorded show of the Voice when I saw Craig Wayne Boyd hand Blake Shelton a necklace from the wife of their friend Wayne Mills who is now deceased and I decided to write:

November 23, 2013 was the day God marked my life as completed,
It was the day He said to one of His angels, "Go get him because he's needed."
It was the last day that I'd have on the earth with all of you,
A day you'd feel lost and unsure of what to do.

Carol, I want to say that you are an amazing woman and I love you,
Whenever you start to wonder, know that my love shines down from above you.
I'm sitting high above those bright skies as all of us angels do,
I'm with you every single morning you wake and as the night fall upon you.

I'm so thankful that God blessed me by bringing you into my life,
So grateful that He saw fit for me to be your husband and you my wife.
I know losing me hasn't been an easy thing at all but God is with you,
I see the tears as they fall and know that my eyes get watery too.

Carol, there are no words that can be written to express my love for you.
Carol, there are no words that can be written to tell you how much I miss you.
Carol, there are no words that can be written to say exactly how I feel.
Carol, there are no words that can be written and I mean that.

Jack, I know my leaving you is something you just don't quite get yet,
You may know that I'm gone but I'm sure you're wishing I'd come back.
I asked God to help you understand and cease you're aching heart,
I know the day that daddy left you, it just tore your world apart.

I'm sorry son that the day had to come where I had to leave the earthly grounds,
I always thought that in every day of your life I'd always be around.
Know that God never make mistakes and on that day the decision was made,
Even though I know it hurts right now, please know that I made it okay.

Jack, there are no words that can be written to express my love for you.
Jack, there are no words that can be written to tell you how much I miss you.
Jack, there are no words that can be written to say exactly how I feel.
Jack, there are no words that can be written and I mean that.

Craig, thank you man for wearing my chain...I really appreciate the love,
Know that nothing you do go unnoticed cause I'm watching from the heavens above.
I know you're still like, "I can't believe it" every day that you rise with the sun,
God said He needed angels that day and that I was the perfect one.

Blake, dude you know I wasn't gonna forget could I good ol' friend,
Thank you to for wearing my chain and know that I'm rooting for you to win.
You and Adam have me laughing hard as I watch from heavenly sky,
Me and all my angel friends be laughing so hard we cry.

I just want y'all to know that there's no need for tears, I'm safe and at home with God,
No mistake was made when He took me that day so tears...I shed them...not.
I love you all with all of my heart, keep living to the fullest every day,
It wasn't me. I didn't just up and leave but God said I could not stay.

Carol & Jack....I love you so much.

Wayne Mills

(Written by Leukemiona "Shala" Kelley 12/15/14)

Sunday, December 14, 2014

GOD...Thank You!!!

I was sitting at my computer and I began to type:

God, Thank You!!!

God thank you for waking me...been up a little over 4 hours and I thank you for taking my computer to put in some hours at work...then giving me a 5 minute break and putting me back at my computer to get more hours which don't hurt. God thank you for being by my side each moment of every day...thank you for responding to me when I close my eyes and pray...thank you for being the best Father, protector, guide, and best friend...thank you for lifting me up when I start to give in...thank you for grabbing my hand and pulling me when I start to slow down...thank you for talking to me when there's no one else around...thank you for giving me all that I have, bare minimum is fine with me...thank you for letting me know that, that only applies to the moment cos for me you have great things...thank you for letting me cry on your shoulder when I needed...thank you for stressing to me that in everything I've done, I've succeeded...thank you for loaning me money and paying my bills...thank you for giving me a car that runs and food to cook these meals...thank you for giving me a clear mind and a clearer vision...thank you allowing me to feel love with no limits...thank you for being so awesome and allowing me to know what unconditional mean...thank you for blessing me with three fantastic kids, wouldn't trade them for anything...thank you for blessing me with a gift that heal the hearts of many...thank you for allowing me to be and realizing that who I am is plenty...thank you for being more than I could ever dream of, for loving me and keeping me stable...thank you for removing the knife from my hand when continuing this life I felt, I wasn't able...thank you for the molestation I endured, the pain from my rapist that made me the poet I am...thank you for showing me forgiveness works and allowing you to deal with the two of them...thank you for blessing me beyond anyone or anything else can...thank you for being the world to me...thank you. I pray/say in your beautiful son Jesus name...Amen!!!!

Written by Leukemiona "Shala" Kelley, 12/14/14

Saturday, December 6, 2014

In Memory of Jacqueline "Jackie" Donahue (Sister of Nelly & Mother of Shawn and Sydney)

I was watching an episode of "Nellyville" when I saw Nelly say that two of his children were actually his niece and nephew whom he took responsibility for after the death of his sister. I enjoyed watching the show but was more touched by the story, therefore, I took the gift God has blessed me with and began writing:

It's been a while since I've left the earthly grounds,
No matter how long it's been I know it still hurts the same not to have me around.
Know that I did not go far because my love still lives with you,
No matter how long, I'll never ever forget you.

Nelly, you are the best brother any girl could ever ask for,
Though you didn't have to, you did as I asked and more.
I love you bro and from the heaven skies I watch over you daily,
I know you sense my love and it has you feeling some type of way lately.

I'm not far at all...just beyond the clouds you look up to,
Don't you cry at all...I'm so thankful for the time God gave me with you.
All it takes is a can yell up to the high and bright skies,
I hear it all...through the winds howl you'll hear my fast replies.

Shawn and Sydney... know that I'd give anything to have you in my arms again,
I know it's been painful but God called my name and I've been in heaven ever sent.
Know that no mistake was made, when God calls us...we have to go,
Know that each and every day...I'm looking down on you and loving you so.

A mother's love last forever and that's exactly how my love will last for you,
Look how big you've gotten and all the wonderful things you've been blessed to do.
You're listening to Uncle Nell ain't you? You better be...cause you know how he is,
I'm sitting back laughing as I watch down on all four of you kids.

Continue doing great things and never walk away from your dreams,
Know that life is too short and you want to live with no regrets about anything.
Be good to each other, take care of one another and love as much as you can,
And know that no matter what life brings you...I'll be right here, holding your hand.

Mama Jackie

(Written by Leukemiona "Shala" Kelley, 12/6/14)

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

In Memory of Doris Rowland Garrison (Mother of Kelly Rowland)

I was online today and saw that Kelly Rowland lost her mom it was put on my heart to write:

When death finds us, it is never an easy thing to deal with,
A persons absence reminds us, it just always seem as if life ended too quick.

Kelly, I know that you sit there in pure shock, still in disbelief that I'm gone,
Asking God, "Did you really come and take my mom back home?"
God erased my presence from the earth only to have me present with Him,
I know it hurts but it's only a short time that God shares His precious gems.

Don't cry baby doll...know that I wear a smile on my face cause I'm home,
Thankful God brought me to this place and knowing His decisions are never wrong.
Don't be angry sweetie pie...I lived a beautiful life and I'm so very glad,
Thankful to God that He blessed me with you and for the awesome times we had.

When God calls us by name you don't ask why, you just get up and go,
Hate I couldn't notify you but the time and date are never known.
Death is nothing we can ever be prepared for, we just have to learn to let God work,
And don't ever forget to call Him by name whenever your heart begin to hurt.

Honey child if you could only see this gorgeous place that I now call home,
If it was up to me, I wouldn't have left you there I would've brought you along.
Know that I love you baby and my love for you will always remain by your side,
Listen to body may be physically gone but mom is just fine.

Mama Doris

(Written by Leukemiona "Shala" Kelley 12/3/14)

In Memory of Sharon Tucker (mother of Todd Tucker, Kandi Burruss-Tucker's husband)

I opened up Facebook this morning and saw a post from the Rickey Smiley fan page stating that Todd Tucker has lost his mother. I got up and came over to my computer and began to write:

God sat down and opened the book of where my life was written,
Marked "completed" and closed it, making it His final decision.
Then down to the earth He sent His angels on one specific mission,
They arrived taking the physical me, leaving no body, no heartbeat, no vision.

Todd, baby I know that this has to be one of the hardest days of your life,
To have me up and leave with no last hugs, kisses or good-bye's.
Know that I asked God to keep you wrapped in His arms, deeply protected,
He assured me He would and that's only what I expected.

Death has a way of sneaking up on us and there is nothing we can do,
But I say...God come to get His most precious angels when this life is through.
Death is one of those things we can never prepare for though we try our best,
But I say...We never truly die; we go back home to the heavens to rest.

I just want you to know that I've cherished every moment that I've been blessed with,
I lived the best life one could ever live and I thanked God every second before death hit.
You my son, I will miss like crazy and I just know you're in shock now,
Never wonder how you'll get through this cause I know just how.

I know a God who can do what we think is impossible at a moments notice,
I know a God who can dry fallen tears and get those blurry eyes back into focus.
I know a God who can heal the pain you now feel when you think it can't be done,
I know a God who is truly amazing and I asked Him to watch over my son.

In a week or so you'll sit and watch as my body is put into the ground,
You'll cry a flowing river of tears as my casket is lowered down, down, down.
Know that I did not just up and leave you God said I could not stay,
Know that I will always be near you, I got my angel wings today.

Mama Sharon

(Written by Leukemiona "Shala" Kelley, 12/3/14)

Thursday, November 27, 2014

In Memory of Michael Brown

I was walking with the homie when I felt a tap on my shoulder,
A voice very clear said, "Come now. Your time on this earth is over."
No resistance...I knew that God was sending His angels to get me,
I just took a deep breath and let go as each bullet hit me.

As my body hit the ground and those around look from a distance,
My spirit got up and flew away at an instant.
In disbelief they started to shout, "He killed him for no reason!"
God had already come and said, "You're coming home son. You're leaving."

I know you're hurt from the way things happened but God called my name,
I know you're angry at the jurors decision but God said I could not stay.
I know it won't be easy to get over but believe I'm in a better place,
I know you want to see me but in the heaven's is where I now lay.

Mom, I love you and I hate to see the tears in your eyes,
I hate that I didn't get a chance for I love you and at least a good-bye.
I know it seem unreal and the memories of me replay in your mind,
God make no mistakes and He came and said it was my time.

Dad, I love you too and I know the pain inside hurt pretty bad,
I wish that I could've given you that one last hug before I passed.
I know that this is a rough thing to deal with but believe me when I say,
God make no mistakes and He sent His angels for me that day.

World, I know you're angry and think destruction of things is the way,
It's the wrong thing to do and I ask this of you...kneel down on your knees and pray.
Life is not meant to live forever and one day you'll know what I mean,
I lived a wonderful life each moment before I died, I'm thankful for everything.

Keep my family in your prayers.
Hug my mom and dad if you see 'em.
Live your life to the fullest.
I'm fine...God called me to meet him.

Prayers for all,
Michael Brown

(Written by Leukemiona "Shala" Kelley, 11/27/14)

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

In Memory of Beulah Jackson **Grandmother of Curtis (50 Cent) Jackson**

They say that when He sends His angels, He's sending for the best,
So I smiled as I greeted death and went on home to rest.

Curtis, I am so glad to have lived a life as the one God gave to me,
I am so glad to have been blessed with any and everything.
Now I can go and rest now and look down below on you,
Give it your very best now...know that your mother is looking with me too.

Life has a way of coming to an end so suddenly it seems,
Causing hurt to many hearts after all of the joy that one brings.
Though we all know to expect it; it never seem to hurt any less,
Know that I'm okay sweet boy, I just went home with all the rest.

I asked God to make sure to watch over you and heal your hurting heart,
God assured me that He's been doing just that from the moment that it started.
I've lived a beautiful life son and I thank you for all the love you gave,
Know that you're my #1 in so, so many ways.

As my body is lowered into the ground and good-byes are told out loud,
As the tears hit the dirt below, I'll be home up in the clouds.
Each morning you wake, I'll be kissing your cheek,
Every night that you sleep, I'll be kneeled at your feet.

A grandmother's love has no limits and come with no ending,
My body may not be physically there but my love keeps on giving.
Take good care of yourself son, continue to give what God has given you,
Remember that I love you and am safe now...

Gone to do what angels do.

Grandma (Beulah Jackson)

(Written by Leukemiona Kelley, 9/23/2014)

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

In Memory of Lonnie Lynn (father of rapper Common) R.I.P.

In my view stood angels dressed in the whitest robes I've seen,
One spoke stating the Lord has sent them to carry me.
So as each of their hands touch my body, I was lifted up high,
Non-stop was the movement until we reached the heavenly skies.

At the gates there stood God with open arms to greet me,
Tears fell faster than ever to know He'd be there to meet me.
Embraced me with a tight hug and allowed to come thru the golden gates,
So this is where I'll be waiting until we meet again one day.

Son, I'm just so thankful for the time we were given together on earth,
I just want you to know that I'll always love you cos I know losing me hurts.
To know that I'm no longer physically present but the life I lived was worth it,
To be surrounded by family and friends for so many years was absolutely perfect.

I know that the tears may appear and your heart may hurt a little,
Then the laugh will find it's way thru and the memories will have you tickled.
My voice will be heard and the pictures of me will bring a smile,
Know that I love you son and I always will and you made living that much more worthwhile.

Dad (Pops)

Monday, May 19, 2014

Love: Kandi & Todd

Love surely found her way
Planted her feet and said she'd stay.
Love showed up at a time not known
Laid her foundation and called it home.

That was the day I met you Todd
One of those days you dream of and can never forget.
That was the day my heart start beating a different tune
And it hasn't played a different tune yet.

That was the day I saw the sun in a different light
The day my future showed me you as my wife.
That was the day I heard the voice of an angel say
This is true love...she's here to stay.

Love has a way of making you feel all warm inside
She shows up and all of you become alive.
Love has a way of making tears fall down your face
She pushes them out and let all emotions escape.

That's the love that greeted me with open arms
Told me that the love I was looking for...I had to look for no more.
That's the love that left a note on my table
Said to me never to doubt love cause God's love is able.

That's the love that sat down next to me on the sidewalk
Tapped me on my shoulder and said we need to talk.
That's the love that made me look past now into forever
The same love that had me to ask you if we could always be together.

Love has a way of making lives turn for the best
As love did for us and will do for all the rest.
Love has a way of allowing two to become one
Just like love did for us...this love, this love.

(Written by Leukemiona Kelley, 5/19/14)

Saturday, March 29, 2014

A Poem in memory of Mary Scott (the mother of Benzino from LHHATL)

I saw a post online about the death of Benzino's (from Love & Hip Hop ATL) mother. Anytime I see that death has taken a loved one, it saddens me so I write. I also saw where Benzino was shot during the driving of his mother's (Mary Scott) funeral procession. This also saddens me so I write:

March 20, 2014 God saw fit to send His angels to get me
As they approached I got up and got dressed rather quickly.
Though it's always shocking when death greets you face-to-face
But God called me home, what was I to say.

I know I was taken too early is what you think
God took me off the earthly grounds for my purpose was complete.
Every day I will be missing you just as you'll be missing me
Every night I'll b sending hugs and kisses right before you fall asleep.

As I look down on the earthly grounds I see my biggest fear
They say you were shot but in stable condition but to a mother it's always severe.
I ask God to put His hands on the doctors as they work
I know God, He will protect you and heal the places that hurt.

I hate to see you going through this and me not there by your side
What a shame, before my body could be laid he'd come for my baby's life.
I will be praying for those in the world and mostly I'll be praying for you
A 100% recovery will happen cause I know the good my God do.

Rest son. Take it easy and let God handle the rest
Don't let anger reside in your heart for it's only God that knows best.
Just know that each moment I'll be right here with you, loving you unconditionally
I didn't just up and leave. God set me free. I'm where He said I should be.


(Written by Leukemiona "Shala" 3/30/14)

Thursday, February 6, 2014

R.I.P. Grandma Ruth Pruitt (2/5/2014)

Last nite my grandmother...Ruth Pruitt...was called home. God sent His angels to get her so she wouldn't have to travel the distance all alone. Last nite God called my grandma by name and she peacefully took her last breath. God let her know it would be okay and that He could handle all the rest.

This morning I shed a few tears but then a smile was placed on my face. ...Stared thinking about the memories we shared and the funny things she would say. Juss visted her this past December and asked if I was beautiful and her response was, "Hellllll nawwwwwww." I busted out laughing cos I know my grandma and her words she didn't hold back at all.

I knew this day was coming but...didn't think the time would b last nite. The one thing I can say about my grandma "Late" as she's called...she put up a hellava fight. God let her know she could rest now. Took the air that she breathe and lowered her chest now. Closed her eyes and took all the pain away. Said it was time to leave, she could not stay.

I'm asking God to watch ova my family and my grandfather Harold Pruitt aka B.P. To give us the strength to continue on each day. This is the prayer I type & pray.


(Written by Leukemiona "Shala" 2/6/2014)

Thursday, January 9, 2014

In Memory of Lamonika Gyant

God sent one of His Angels to the earthly grounds,
She arrived and said, "God said it's time to come home child."
I got up and put on a white gown and white slippers,
The angel said, "Turn around and let me zip ya'."

I asked, "Can you tell me what I'm gonna b walking into?"
She replied, "That's only for God to do."
I stood there for a moment thinking about how my children would feel,
Then I screamed out, "God take care of them for me if you will."

Tears started to roll down my cheeks in a fast pace,
The ground was no longer under my feet, I was up in a clouded space.
Turned to look back down at the grounds below,
The angel said, "When God juss have to go."

Terrence 'Tadpole' Daniels I wish there was an easier way to do this,
No last moments, no last hugs, no last kiss.
Juss know that even though my body will be motionless, buried below
My love still lives...It did not go.

Menyon, Trinity and Zachary I know you don't understand,
But I ask God to explain it to you when you can.
God promised to be with you every moment while I'm away,
I did not leave you behind, God juss said I could not stay.

If ever you need to be comforted about my is there,
Whatever you're feeling...know that those feelings you can always share.
Talk to me as you've always done, I will be listening close,
My love for you is and will always be

I juss want you to know that heaven is where I am,
My love is right there where you are.
I juss want you to know that God is here with me,
And I'll always be right there in your heart.

Tadpole, please tell everyone I love them.

Heaven Bound,
Lamonika Gyant

(Written by Leukemiona "Shala" 1/9/2014)

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Poem in memory of Coates Scott aka Kayo Redd to his mother Deb Antney & brother Waka Flocka

I saw on Facebook where the brother of Waka Flocka and son of Deb Antney has passed on. I wanted to write these words in hopes that they help, heal and save. So I write:

Mama, I was looking for the words to say,
The perfect words to kinda clear up the sadness on ur face.
The words to make dealing with my death a little more easier,
But I know there's nothing I can say that's gonna stop the hurt in ya'.

Coates Scott aka Kayo Redd found dead - was the headline,
I know ur screaming loud, "No! No! It's not time."
I can see the tears in ur eyes and the wet path they leave when falling down ur face,
I can see the hurt in ur eyes...I hate I caused u so much pain.

I don't know exactly wut words I could use to explain what I did,
I really don't think there are any that could console a mother who juss lost a kid.
Mama, I neva wanted to hurt you...neva wanted to leave u feeling this way,
Came the time. Came the moment. Came a reason. Came the day.

Juss know that I love you and I juss don't have the words to explain this,
Not the words that I'm looking for to make it all a little less painless.
If I could go back in time and take a moment juss to let you know I love you and give you a hug,
Juss to see your smile, look in your eyes and feel your touch.

Waka...devastated and torn up is the way you're feeling...I know,
Thinking in that dang brain of yours..."Man...wut the phuk u go & do that fo'."
All I can say is that I'm sorry for not leaving an explanation of why,
Or betta yet taking the time to sit down and write a letter telling u & mama bye-bye.

Time heals all wounds they say...that's the selfish way of me saying u will be alright,
The pain that I felt was too much to handle...I could no longer put up the fight.
I love you dude...I always will. I juss hope one day you'll find it in your heart to forgive me,
I know I'm gone and I know it's wrong to have you lose another quickly.

A hurting heart turns into pain.
A feeling of no way out crashes the brain.
Life seems to give no reason to live.
Suicide becomes easier than it is.

God loves and He comforts,
I ask that He continues to watch ova you.
God loves and He heals,
He promised to see you all the way through.

What I didn't take...Is my love,
Coates Scott "Kayo Redd"

(Written by Leukemiona "Shala" 1/2/2014)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A Poem to T.I.P from the homie Doe B

I read an article that T.I. had lost one of his Hustle Gang artist, Doe B, on December 28, 2013. Time after time we hear about these senseless murders and my heart go out to all those affected. Not only was Doe B a victim; there was a young lady by the name of Kimberle Johnson who died as well. As always, my God put it on my heart to write this poem for T.I. It is my hope that he get to read it.

On December 28th I was G'd up and enjoying myself
Club crowded, drinks in the air and the music was loud and bumping.
Just chilling and letting the nights moments pass me by
I didn't have plans on there being no shootings or nothing.

Then an angel approached me...all white, smiling and feet lifted
Said, "God told me to come and get you. Doe B He said and He was specific."
Didn't know what to think at that moment cos I had neva seen an angel befo'
Mean...I've seen them in books and cards but not face-to-face saying, "Come on, let's go."

On my travel to the hospital my mind began to race
Had questions about what was going to happen after leaving this place.
It's hard to explain and I know it's even harder to understand
Though we have questions we know it's all in God's plan.

T.I., I just want to thank you for everything you've done
Gon' miss you dude but I'll be constantly sending down my love.
Sitting here thinking about the laughs we shared and jokes played
You were a good friend to me and I'm just happy for the memories saved.

Make sure and tell my kids that I love them, those living and the unborn one on the way
Kiss them for me and let them know that their daddy didn't just up and run away.
Tell them that in due time God will straighten the confusion they feel
Tell them though I'm chillin' in love for them still lives.

You don't think about the importance of showing love until it's no longer there
We juss live life as we live it until eye-to-eye with death we stare.
Make sure to love hard, live right and give while you can
Don't let them forget me homie. And to all I give a Hustle Gang Stand.

Remember me always,
Doe B

(Written by Leukemiona "Shala" 1/1/2014)