Monday, December 15, 2014

In Memory of Wayne Mills (Friend of Craig Wayne Boyd & Blake Shelton)

I was watching a recorded show of the Voice when I saw Craig Wayne Boyd hand Blake Shelton a necklace from the wife of their friend Wayne Mills who is now deceased and I decided to write:

November 23, 2013 was the day God marked my life as completed,
It was the day He said to one of His angels, "Go get him because he's needed."
It was the last day that I'd have on the earth with all of you,
A day you'd feel lost and unsure of what to do.

Carol, I want to say that you are an amazing woman and I love you,
Whenever you start to wonder, know that my love shines down from above you.
I'm sitting high above those bright skies as all of us angels do,
I'm with you every single morning you wake and as the night fall upon you.

I'm so thankful that God blessed me by bringing you into my life,
So grateful that He saw fit for me to be your husband and you my wife.
I know losing me hasn't been an easy thing at all but God is with you,
I see the tears as they fall and know that my eyes get watery too.

Carol, there are no words that can be written to express my love for you.
Carol, there are no words that can be written to tell you how much I miss you.
Carol, there are no words that can be written to say exactly how I feel.
Carol, there are no words that can be written and I mean that.

Jack, I know my leaving you is something you just don't quite get yet,
You may know that I'm gone but I'm sure you're wishing I'd come back.
I asked God to help you understand and cease you're aching heart,
I know the day that daddy left you, it just tore your world apart.

I'm sorry son that the day had to come where I had to leave the earthly grounds,
I always thought that in every day of your life I'd always be around.
Know that God never make mistakes and on that day the decision was made,
Even though I know it hurts right now, please know that I made it okay.

Jack, there are no words that can be written to express my love for you.
Jack, there are no words that can be written to tell you how much I miss you.
Jack, there are no words that can be written to say exactly how I feel.
Jack, there are no words that can be written and I mean that.

Craig, thank you man for wearing my chain...I really appreciate the love,
Know that nothing you do go unnoticed cause I'm watching from the heavens above.
I know you're still like, "I can't believe it" every day that you rise with the sun,
God said He needed angels that day and that I was the perfect one.

Blake, dude you know I wasn't gonna forget could I good ol' friend,
Thank you to for wearing my chain and know that I'm rooting for you to win.
You and Adam have me laughing hard as I watch from heavenly sky,
Me and all my angel friends be laughing so hard we cry.

I just want y'all to know that there's no need for tears, I'm safe and at home with God,
No mistake was made when He took me that day so tears...I shed them...not.
I love you all with all of my heart, keep living to the fullest every day,
It wasn't me. I didn't just up and leave but God said I could not stay.

Carol & Jack....I love you so much.

Wayne Mills

(Written by Leukemiona "Shala" Kelley 12/15/14)

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