Wednesday, December 3, 2014

In Memory of Sharon Tucker (mother of Todd Tucker, Kandi Burruss-Tucker's husband)

I opened up Facebook this morning and saw a post from the Rickey Smiley fan page stating that Todd Tucker has lost his mother. I got up and came over to my computer and began to write:

God sat down and opened the book of where my life was written,
Marked "completed" and closed it, making it His final decision.
Then down to the earth He sent His angels on one specific mission,
They arrived taking the physical me, leaving no body, no heartbeat, no vision.

Todd, baby I know that this has to be one of the hardest days of your life,
To have me up and leave with no last hugs, kisses or good-bye's.
Know that I asked God to keep you wrapped in His arms, deeply protected,
He assured me He would and that's only what I expected.

Death has a way of sneaking up on us and there is nothing we can do,
But I say...God come to get His most precious angels when this life is through.
Death is one of those things we can never prepare for though we try our best,
But I say...We never truly die; we go back home to the heavens to rest.

I just want you to know that I've cherished every moment that I've been blessed with,
I lived the best life one could ever live and I thanked God every second before death hit.
You my son, I will miss like crazy and I just know you're in shock now,
Never wonder how you'll get through this cause I know just how.

I know a God who can do what we think is impossible at a moments notice,
I know a God who can dry fallen tears and get those blurry eyes back into focus.
I know a God who can heal the pain you now feel when you think it can't be done,
I know a God who is truly amazing and I asked Him to watch over my son.

In a week or so you'll sit and watch as my body is put into the ground,
You'll cry a flowing river of tears as my casket is lowered down, down, down.
Know that I did not just up and leave you God said I could not stay,
Know that I will always be near you, I got my angel wings today.

Mama Sharon

(Written by Leukemiona "Shala" Kelley, 12/3/14)