Thursday, November 27, 2014

In Memory of Michael Brown

I was walking with the homie when I felt a tap on my shoulder,
A voice very clear said, "Come now. Your time on this earth is over."
No resistance...I knew that God was sending His angels to get me,
I just took a deep breath and let go as each bullet hit me.

As my body hit the ground and those around look from a distance,
My spirit got up and flew away at an instant.
In disbelief they started to shout, "He killed him for no reason!"
God had already come and said, "You're coming home son. You're leaving."

I know you're hurt from the way things happened but God called my name,
I know you're angry at the jurors decision but God said I could not stay.
I know it won't be easy to get over but believe I'm in a better place,
I know you want to see me but in the heaven's is where I now lay.

Mom, I love you and I hate to see the tears in your eyes,
I hate that I didn't get a chance for I love you and at least a good-bye.
I know it seem unreal and the memories of me replay in your mind,
God make no mistakes and He came and said it was my time.

Dad, I love you too and I know the pain inside hurt pretty bad,
I wish that I could've given you that one last hug before I passed.
I know that this is a rough thing to deal with but believe me when I say,
God make no mistakes and He sent His angels for me that day.

World, I know you're angry and think destruction of things is the way,
It's the wrong thing to do and I ask this of you...kneel down on your knees and pray.
Life is not meant to live forever and one day you'll know what I mean,
I lived a wonderful life each moment before I died, I'm thankful for everything.

Keep my family in your prayers.
Hug my mom and dad if you see 'em.
Live your life to the fullest.
I'm fine...God called me to meet him.

Prayers for all,
Michael Brown

(Written by Leukemiona "Shala" Kelley, 11/27/14)

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