Tuesday, September 23, 2014

In Memory of Beulah Jackson **Grandmother of Curtis (50 Cent) Jackson**

They say that when He sends His angels, He's sending for the best,
So I smiled as I greeted death and went on home to rest.

Curtis, I am so glad to have lived a life as the one God gave to me,
I am so glad to have been blessed with any and everything.
Now I can go and rest now and look down below on you,
Give it your very best now...know that your mother is looking with me too.

Life has a way of coming to an end so suddenly it seems,
Causing hurt to many hearts after all of the joy that one brings.
Though we all know to expect it; it never seem to hurt any less,
Know that I'm okay sweet boy, I just went home with all the rest.

I asked God to make sure to watch over you and heal your hurting heart,
God assured me that He's been doing just that from the moment that it started.
I've lived a beautiful life son and I thank you for all the love you gave,
Know that you're my #1 in so, so many ways.

As my body is lowered into the ground and good-byes are told out loud,
As the tears hit the dirt below, I'll be home up in the clouds.
Each morning you wake, I'll be kissing your cheek,
Every night that you sleep, I'll be kneeled at your feet.

A grandmother's love has no limits and come with no ending,
My body may not be physically there but my love keeps on giving.
Take good care of yourself son, continue to give what God has given you,
Remember that I love you and am safe now...

Gone to do what angels do.

Grandma (Beulah Jackson)

(Written by Leukemiona Kelley, 9/23/2014)

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