Sunday, July 28, 2013

In Memory of Kidd Kraddick

I woke this morning and there was a FB post from the Rickey Smiley Fan Page talking about the loss of Kidd Kraddick from the Dish Nation. Sadden to hear this, I wrote:

I'm gone. No dream and no fairytale,
No physical me. I hate to see all the eyes that swell.
Called home on July 27, 2013...and I went,
How do one say "No" to the angels that were sent.

To my family,

To leave you was the hardest thing I had to do,
But I feel very good knowing that God will take care of you.
My sudden loss, no good-bye's,
No seconds left to wipe your teary eyes.

Know that from the heaven's above I continue to watch,
And when the pain begins to increase, just let go and let God.
Know that my love will never die and it continues to live on,
Whenever you wonder why, remember God can do no wrong.

My purpose on this earth has been filled,
And though I'm not physically there, I'm with you still.
Just above the blue cloudy skies...I live,
And the love I have for you...I always will.

I've spread my wings and flew back to the home I know,
To see the pain in your eyes...I hate I had to go.
God called me home and that's where I'll be,
Just so you know...I made it home, God set me free.

The Kidd

(Written by Leukemiona Kelley, 2013)

Thursday, July 18, 2013

In Memory of Mary 41909

God put this on my heart so I wrote:

July 17, 2013 an angel came and whispered in my ear,
He said, "Don't you worry for God is here."
A smile then appeared-stretched across my face,
He then said, "We're here to take you to a beautiful place."

In life we live but as we know death will come,
It hurts to lose someone you know, especially those you love.
Know that with every single moment I'm gone, I'm thinking of you,
Watching you so closely as all of God's angels do.

I thank God for the friendship between us that grew with time,
These words are being sent to let you know that I'm fine.
Know that God never make mistakes, He don't,
To leave you with a hurting heart and not understanding, He won't.

I ask God to wrap His arms around you as needed,
And the time that it takes you to heal from this-that He speed it.
Let you know that I'm okay and there's no place I'd rather be,
I made it home, God set me free.

Love, Mary

(Written by Leukemiona 2013)

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Just writing. Just writing.

Walking home hoodied up and he choose me,
"Are you following him sir?"
"We do not need you to do that."
So why didn't I go free?
He was looking for a house number...yeh right,
He parked right in front of a house and in his hand was a flashlight.
So the need to bypass the house because of darkness was not true,
He was walking and thinking, "Hey criminal, I'm coming straight for you."
We finally meet up and right at the top of the T,
I was scared so I asked, "Why are you following me?"
Didn't think I belonged so he stood back and made his weapon known,
I was less than 100 feet...from my daddy's home.
I just wish there was a way I could go back in time,
Not to live again but to dry my families eyes.
For it's only a smile that I wear upon my face,
Wouldn't come there again because I love this place.


(Written by Leukemiona, 2013)

Saturday, July 13, 2013

I Write:

I walk with my hoodie on, geed up with angel wings. No worries about making it to the pearly gates with skittles and ice tea. Forever safe from the scary type. Finally living in my eternal life. Peace on earth is what I now ask for. From the earthly grounds to the heavenly doors. I am #TravonMartin #notguilty (Leukemiona Shala, 2013)

Verdict: Not Guilty but Do Me This Favor!

"We the jurors find George Zimmerman not guilty of all charges," they read
Nawww, you ain't hearing thangs, that's just what they said.
I know that there are shocked faces and some jaws laying on the floor
"No Justice. No Peace." is what you chant at the courthouse doors.

But do me this favor...

My mother and father, brother and family have been through enough
Though we may not like the God we have to trust.
The God I know makes no mistakes,  my purpose on earth was complete
I just thank you all for standing by the side of my family in their time of need. 

Mama thank you for being so strong for me
Thank you for all that you do
Know that with every moment you're not seeing my face
I'm still right there standing next to you.

Dad I know this was a heart breaking moment
But know that I have a smile on my face
The fact that I'm gone and never coming home
Means I'm with God in this most beautiful place.

Bro you're the best...dude and I miss you
Wish I could wrap my arms around you, hug & kiss you
Man keep the faith and know that I'm here
Still lil' no need for the tears.

I just ask that all of you know that we made progress
Though the outcome was hard for you all to digest
We must all keep the peace and let it be
I'm home now...God set me free.


(Written by Leukemiona Shala, 2013)
I'm sitting here watching HLN and waiting for the verdict in the George Zimmerman Trial. I can't help but to wonder how Sybrina Fulton & Tracy Martin are feeling. So I write:

Sybrina & Tracy,

No...I cannot say I understand because I do not know your pain
I cannot imagine me losing my son the exact same way
To sit and wait on the outcome of a verdict that will never replace Trayvon
I'm just asking God to be with you as the jurors come back into the courtroom one by one.

Know that you have a trial angel that's flying high
Know that Trayvon is wiping the tears as you cry
Know that Trayvon will be with you no matter where you go
Know that Travyvon has made it safely home.

I am so sorry for your loss.

Leukemiona Shala, 2013

Friday, July 12, 2013

In Memory of Charles Pope - Tameka "Tiny "Harris's Father

So...I woke up about 4a this morning and the first thing I do is pick up my phone and check my Facebook page. On my wall I see a post from Trey Songz about the passing of Tameka "Tiny" Harris's father. Immediately poetry comes into my mind and I send her a tweet on Twitter letting her know that I was sorry for her loss and that I would be posting a poem for her on my blog. So I write:

July 11, 2013 an angel sat at my bedside and said, "It's time,"
I got up, got dressed and put on my most nicest designs.
For I knew when I heard that voice that God wanted me,
As soon as He reached down His hand, I grabbed it so quickly.

Diane honey, I wish there was another way for me to extend my time,
But God has it all planned out...He created a master design.
He called my name and to the beautiful heavens I fled,
I just wish there was a way I didn't have to leave you just yet.
I want you to know that you mean the world to me,
I love you more than words can explain and eyes can see.
You are my best friend and I would stop time for you if I could,
If I could place my feet back upon the earth and be with you...I would.
There's never an easy way to say good-bye when death comes,
I can only say to you that I'll always be sending my love.

Tameka dear, I know that you are taking this very hard,
But know that I didn't leave you, I've just gone back home with God.
In your heart I will remain, past memories will keep us close,
When the wind roars know that's me saying, "I love you the most."
Take care of your mother for me and give all the gran's my love,
Make sure you tell them that I'm flying high up above.
I thank God every day for blessing me with a daughter like you,
Remember to keep Him first in everything you do.
Whenever the pain of losing me begin to weigh heavy on your heart,
Don't cry, just close your eyes and give it all to God.
I will be looking down on you every moment of every day,
You know I would never just up and leave you...God said I could not stay.

A great husband & father ** Charles Pope

(Written by Leukemiona Kelley, 2013)

Friday, July 5, 2013

In Memory of LaSawna Fisher-Wilson

I just found out that one of my school mates have passed and I am very saddened so I write:

Though we never know the time nor day
The pain of losing someone hurts in the exact same way
But we know God never make mistakes
And He's the only one who can cease a heart that aches.

To my family,

I wish there was an explanation I could give
... Instead of saying death comes after the time we lived
Cos though we know it's true, it doesn't ease the pain
But who would turn their back when God calls their name.

So to the blue heavenly skies I flew
God reassured me that He would take care of you
I asked if He would let you know that I made it home alright
Therefore He blessed Shala to write.

Please don't cry for I continue to wear a smile on my face
Though you can't see, I'm in the most beautiful place
Know that my love will continue to live with you
Meaning I'm right there with everything you do.

I will always love & be with you.


(Written by Leukemiona, 2013)

Your Trial Angel Trayvon

As I sat here on July 5, 2015 watching Sybrina Fulton (mother) and Jahvaris Fulton (brother) testify in the George Zimmerman trial (on behalf of their son & brother) I wrote:

Hey mama, I see you on the stand
Just wanna say I'm right here holding your hand
Just relax and the let the truth be told
The emotions you feel, just let them be known
Mama, I'm with you through every aching minute
I've asked God to speak to you and He said, "I've already did it."
I asked that He give you the strength to make it through
I asked that He do the fatherly things He do.
I love you an...d will always love you...know that
Just wanted to say, I'm here with just relax.


(Written by Leukemiona, 2013)

Hey bro, I see ya' sitting up there on the stand
As I did with mama, I'm sitting here holding your hand
Man you're looking good and you're doing good too
I wish I was, bro I love..I love the hell outta you.
I'm sorry that I had to leave ya
' so soon
If I could turn back the hands of time, I would be right there with you
If I could wipe the tears from your eyes and the pain out your heart, I would
I know my death hasn't been easy for you but it's all good.
God has called me home and that's where I reside
Know that I'm always with you living up above the sky.


(Written by Leukemiona, 2013)

Thursday, July 4, 2013

I Am #TrayvonMartin

Since you want to follow me
Follow me now
To a place of pure beauty
Way above the clouds
Since you wanna ask questions
Ask me wut am I doing here
Do I look suspicious to you now
Now that I'm covered in Godly gear
Armed with wings on my shoulder
I flee
Flee to a place where I could do me
Armed with love from my Godly father
Tucked in my waistband
Do I still look like I'm fully wasted
I'm now in a place where I am not judged
A place where I'm loved though dressed like a thug
A place where my hoodie has no one living in fear
A place where I can walk home and truly make it there
...I am #Trayvon Martin

(Written by Leukemiona Kelley-Daniels, 2012)

A Son's Pain. A Mother's Heartache.

When my mind go into writing mode, I think about life and situations that can occur of have. In doing that one day I began to write:

My poetry's truths: 

(Son) I'm sitting behind this glass looking at you and I wanna know...why didn't you tell me?
(Mom) Tell you what?
(Son) The truth.
(Mom) About?
(Son) The truth about love and the truth about anger and the truth about feelings and the truth about consequences. I wanna know.
(Mother) How could you expect me to? My mother nor father never taught me.
(Son) You showed me that it was okay for a man to hit a woman becos she forgives. You showed me that a man could stay out all nite and make outside kids becos she forgives. You showed me that no matter the wrong I do to her, I would always be right becos she forgives. Well she didn't forgive me like you forgave his.
(Mother) Son...
(Son) See, I love you and you were my role model. What you did and what you showed me...I followed. You are my mother and I expected that you would cause me no harm but you did. Cos look where I prison as a seventeen year old kid.
(Mother) And you blame me?
(Son) Shouldn't I?
(Mother) No, you shouldn't.
(Son) I shouldn't. Tell me mother cos I wanna know why.
(Mother) Blame my mother cos she was the one who raised me. She showed me that violence was to occur often and to forgive was how it was suppose to be. Blame my father cos he was so irate, got so mad one day and punched me in the face. Blame your grandparents cos they were the one's who raised them.
(Son) You are my mother so you were to guide and protect me. You were suppose to put a stop to that cycle from the moment that you had me. You were suppose to show me how to be strong and that hitting a woman was wrong. You were suppose to show me that a man is not a woman's everything but you didn't. You allowed me to watch a man disrespect you by cheating and hitting. (Mother) I'm sorry.
(Son) But do you understand what I'm saying.
(Mother) I get it.
(Son) Do you really?
(Mother) I do.
(Son) So what does this mean for my six year old sister who's looking up to you?
(Mother) I...I'm gonna stand up for myself. I'm gonna leave him.
(Son) You say that.
(Mother) And I mean it. I see how much it has hurt you and the suffering that my loving him has been bringing.
(Son) I love you mom and I don't want you to ever go through that again.
(Mother) I know.
(Son) I want my sister to learn to be the person we never were. I want her to have a safe life and to know that you care. You are beautiful mom and deserve someone who's gonna love you in a way that puts a smile on your face and warms your hurt. No more blaming others . No more. Just stand up and do what you know you got to, not only for my sister but for yourself. You get the second chance that I don't and my girlfriend didn't. If I could turn back the hands of time, I would. If I could only take back the abuse, the things I said to her, the nights I left her alone and the ways that I was completely disrespectful...I would do it.
(Mother) I know. Well, our time is up and I have to go. -put hers hand on the window-
(Son) I love you. See you next week.

**Only he sat and waited cos home she went and she drifted off to death's sleep. Only after taking pills to kill the pain in her heart. Only after praying and asking forgiveness from God. Only after dropping off her daughter at her cousins to play. Only after she whispered, "I hope my son will find it in his heart to truly forgive me one day.**

(Written by Leukemiona Kelley, 2013)

To Those Families Affected by the Oklahoma (Moore) Tornado on 5/20/2013

When I heard about the death of the children in the Moore, Ok tornado, my heart went out to their families and I wrote:

We're trapped down below and our screams reach the surface
Then a hand reached down for each of us and a voice said, "You've completed your purpose."
Not truly understanding what was said, tears fell from our face
Then the voice responded, "Take my hand. Everything will be okay."

Without hesitation we reached up
Without hesitation He saved us
Though physically gone, we live
Not on the earthly ground but where heaven is.

We each asked a question concerning our mommy's and daddy's
God answered, "Let me take care of them."
And then a voice from one of the children asked,
"Can you tell them we're all here?"

A smile appeared upon the face of God as He responded, "Yes I will.
I'm also going to make sure that I hold each one until they completely heal."
So now that you know we're safe and protected, know that our love still lives
And though you're angered about this whole situation, know that God is real.

God never make mistakes...He don't
God never ever leaves us...and today He won't
God always oversee us...and He's watching down on you
We're little angels now and to our families left crying out...we know that God is true.

Pray. Believe. Vision. Smile.
Just imagine that we've took a field trip for a long little while.

Written by Leukemiona Kelley, 2013
**Hope this help you heal**

All I Have To Say Is...

It's God's beautiful morning and we're in we're blessed. Don't forget to be the smile one may need to see, the hug one may need to feel, the laughter one may need to hear and the example one may need to follow.

Let's have a Happy 4th of July!!!!