Saturday, July 13, 2013

Verdict: Not Guilty but Do Me This Favor!

"We the jurors find George Zimmerman not guilty of all charges," they read
Nawww, you ain't hearing thangs, that's just what they said.
I know that there are shocked faces and some jaws laying on the floor
"No Justice. No Peace." is what you chant at the courthouse doors.

But do me this favor...

My mother and father, brother and family have been through enough
Though we may not like the God we have to trust.
The God I know makes no mistakes,  my purpose on earth was complete
I just thank you all for standing by the side of my family in their time of need. 

Mama thank you for being so strong for me
Thank you for all that you do
Know that with every moment you're not seeing my face
I'm still right there standing next to you.

Dad I know this was a heart breaking moment
But know that I have a smile on my face
The fact that I'm gone and never coming home
Means I'm with God in this most beautiful place.

Bro you're the best...dude and I miss you
Wish I could wrap my arms around you, hug & kiss you
Man keep the faith and know that I'm here
Still lil' no need for the tears.

I just ask that all of you know that we made progress
Though the outcome was hard for you all to digest
We must all keep the peace and let it be
I'm home now...God set me free.


(Written by Leukemiona Shala, 2013)

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