Saturday, July 13, 2013

I'm sitting here watching HLN and waiting for the verdict in the George Zimmerman Trial. I can't help but to wonder how Sybrina Fulton & Tracy Martin are feeling. So I write:

Sybrina & Tracy,

No...I cannot say I understand because I do not know your pain
I cannot imagine me losing my son the exact same way
To sit and wait on the outcome of a verdict that will never replace Trayvon
I'm just asking God to be with you as the jurors come back into the courtroom one by one.

Know that you have a trial angel that's flying high
Know that Trayvon is wiping the tears as you cry
Know that Trayvon will be with you no matter where you go
Know that Travyvon has made it safely home.

I am so sorry for your loss.

Leukemiona Shala, 2013

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