Sunday, December 8, 2013

In Memory of Willie Maxine Perry (the mother of Tyler Perry)

I was just on Twitter sending Tyler Perry messages about us working/writing/creating one day. I know that one day he will be my mentor #Godsaysso. I wanted to write this poem for him in memory of his mother. I hope he sees this one day. God bless him. He is amazing.

I write:

A face appeared before me and I knew it was God
He wrapped me in His arms and took me away...very, very far.

Son, I see the great things that you are doing
I'm so very proud of you.
I see the amazing things that you create
So glad that God has allowed me to.

I know that losing me was a hard things to deal with
If I could turn back the hands of time, I would come back in an instant.
When God calls us by name, there is no turning back
When God shows His face, trust me'll be glad.

Even though we know that death will come to us all, it's never easy
Leaving you was so hard to do, baby boy believe me.
God made me an angel to watch over you every single day and night
God made me an angel so that you'd know everything will be alright.

When the clouds create a portrait, you should see my face
When the wind howls loud, that's me saying, "I love you," okay.
When you hear the birds chirping, I'm singing my favorite song
When you see the sunlight, that's my love keeping you warm.

Tyler, I love you so very much
I hope these words are a reminder.

A mother's love will always be
A loving are to me.
A ray of sunshine that brightens my day
Your mother's love is a love that lives forever...and always.

(Written by Leukemiona "Shala" 12/8/2013)

Thank You Soldier.

So I was in Chili's today and saw a female soldier sitting on the other side of me with her head held down a little. I called over my waiter and said, "Can you find out what she's having?" He said, "Sure," as he walked off. He came back and told me. I then asked, "Can you bring me her ticket?" He came back with it and I paid for her meal and asked him for a blank piece of paper. On it, I wrote: Your meal has been taken care of. Thank you for your service. God bless. When he t...ook it to her, she reached over and grabbed the hand of the person sitting with me. So after we finished eating I walked over to her and said, "I know I can't thank you enough for all that you do but the least I could do was pay for your lunch." She got up from her seat and gave me the tightest hug and said, "Thank you for taking care of me. I was sitting ova here reading this book feeling sorry for myself when he came ova and told me what you did. Thank you for seeing me for me. I'm going to keep this piece of paper in my wallet."

The hug she gave me made me feel so good. God put people in our path for a reason. I thought to myself, "Maybe she needed a moment to just grab someone and hold them tight." It felt so good to see the smile on her face. God is good all the time.

Again, thank you soldier for all that you do. Thank you.
(Written by Leukemiona Shala, 12/8/2013)

In Memory of Paul Walker & Roger Rodas

We heard a voice, God screamed our name,
Then He sent the water to stop the flames.
He extended His hand...and we both reached,
He looked us in the eye and before we had a chance to speak...
He said, "The life you once knew is behind you.
As your family and friends look, they will not find you.
Tears will shed and hearts will be in pain.
Strength & comfort they will receive when they call out my son's name."

As we looked down on all of you below,
We wished we were there with you but we had to go.
The time of death for each of us is never given,
And though it hurts, you just have to keep on living.
If we could've warned you before it happened, maybe we would have,
When it comes to death, we all have to pass.

Keep your prayers floating heaven bound,
Know that God take angels but leave their love on the earthly grounds.
He let us watch ova you when needed,
God only takes the best when their purpose is completed.

Keep those tears and smile just like we are,
Who could be sad when God has us above the stars.
We're safe...know that God called us in,
Life on earth is no longer...but eternal life begins.

Paul Walker & Roger Rodas

(Written by Leukemiona "Shala", 12/8/2013)

Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Little Things. The Joy They Bring.

My Poetry's Truths:

I got out of bed...brushed my teeth and washed my face. I put on a pot of coffee and made breakfast to put on a plate. I went down on the corner where the main streets intersected. Called over to me 5 of the homeless that lay there in this cold air, disconnected. I invited them in for a hot meal, warm coffee and conversation. I let them all take a warm shower, gave them a change of clothes and they returned to their usual location. Then I began walking back home and thinking about the good things that God has done for me. I began to think about the good that God juss let them see. I began to think about how tomorrow, I could be that same disconnected person sitting, waiting for God to lead someone down my path. I did for them wut God does for me daily without letting a moment pass.

**Be thankful. Take a day this month, friend someone less fortunate, forget the NOT SO IMPORTANT things that we make SO IMPORTANT and be an angel.**

(Written by Leukemiona "Shala", 12/5/2013)