Saturday, February 13, 2016

In Memory Of Ingrid Williams (Wife of Monty Williams)

I just read an article posted on Facebook about the Monty Williams, assistant coach for the OKC Thunders, losing his wife, Ingrid Williams. Though I do not know them personally, I want to say that my prayers go out to Mr. Williams and their families. I write:

My car was hit and then I heard His voice say, "Come to me."
My body laid there with no life but my soul was set free.
God called me by name so in His arms I quickly flew,
After taking a moment to look back at you.

Losing me will not be an easy thing to deal with, I know
I hope it makes it a little easier to know that I made it safely home.
Though we question, God has never made a mistake,
All in His perfect timing, and my day finally came.

Your guardian angel, flying high above the earthly grounds,
When you feel the wind against your face, know that I'm hanging around.
As the thunder roar, I'm screaming out how much I love you,
When the sun shine, I'm sending my love from up above you.

I've asked God to be with you during the pain you feel,
I asked Him to hold you in his arms and He promised me He will.
Know that my body is not physically there but my love still love,
My kisses still kiss and my hugs still hug.

Ingrid Williams

(Written by Leukemiona Kelley, 2/13/2016)

Thursday, February 11, 2016

In Memory Of Nicole Lovell

I was just watching the Dr. Phil show about the death of a 13-year old girl named, Nicole Lovell. Her dad brought me to tears and I could see how much this family was hurting. I wanted to write for them. So I wrote:

A cold night and you find my door jammed and I was missing from my room,
I know there was instant shock and thoughts of where had I gone to.
My open window let you know that I had run away somehow, gone somewhere,
I know there was so much pain in your heart because of such a big scare.
My life ended in what seems like such a short time, without a chance to really live,
Know that I lived my life to the fullest and was thankful for the thirteen years we shared.
If you ever need to see me, let those past memories replay in your head,
When the thunder roar, that's me screaming "I love you brother, Mom and dad!"
I know that your heart is shattered and you wish I was there standing next to you,
Hovering from up high, I have those same feelings too.
Dry your eyes, don't cry now.
When it hurts, just kneel down.
When you wonder, just say a prayer.
When you need me, always know that I'm there.

(Written by Leukemiona, 2/10/16)