Sunday, October 13, 2013

If You Just Believe

Just sat down and started writing off the top of my head.

My Poetry's Truths:

I'm riding with my girlfriends on our way to the mall.
I picked up my phone when I saw there was an incoming call.
On the other end was my doctor saying, "I have some bad news."
Then went on to say, "Please come to my office today around two."
Got dropped off back home with my mind wondering wild.
My patience running out wondering what the hell I den' got myself into now.
Now I'm at the doc's office sitting in a packed waiting room on edge.
Then I heard, "Come on darling you're next."
Followed the nurse to room number five and she said the doctor would be in.
I sat there with tears in my eyes as the bad thoughts began.
The doctor walked in and sat in a chair placed next to the bed.
He said, "Sorry to say but you have cancer," as he patted my leg.
I asked, "Are you serious. Are you sure you ran the test right?"
He responded, "Yes I ran the test more than twice."
I asked, "What do I do now? How long do I have to live?"
He then said, "It's all based on the length of time that God gives."
Then he said, "Not only do you have cancer but you HIV."
I looked and said, "You're just joking with me."
He replied, "No, I would never do that. What I'm telling you is true."
I yelled, "Oh God no!!!! Doc tell me what do I do."

Then I heard:
Leave the  healing to me.
Have faith.
Do as my word say.
Know that you can handle this situation.
When in need, pick up your Bible and turn the pages.

Then I dried my face and a smile appeared.
My doc asked, "Why are you smiling from ear to ear?"
I said, "I ain't worried about those results cos my God got this."

I lived each of life's moments as God gave them to me.
Day in and day out, I didn't worry about the cancer or HIV.
I did as my God said and I left it all in His hands.
And when in need, I go to my Bible and get fed.

Though I'm in a situation most would be scared to be in.
I have faith and God has definitely taught me about believing.

(Written by Leukemiona "Shala" 10/13/2013)

Saturday, October 12, 2013

A Poem for my dad, Adrian Peterson

Today I watched TMZ live and heard about the abuse done to the 2-year old son of Adrian Peterson. I was sadden and shocked that someone could do this. Not too long after that I heard that he passed from his injuries. Immediately my heart went out to A.P., his family, his son's mothers and her family. I also wrote:

A Poem for my dad, Adrian Peterson

I heard a voice say, “Come little angel,” as a hand reached down for me,
My eyes were dried and then I heard, “I’ve come to set you free.”
God then held me in His hand and took me home up high,
I’m sorry that I had to leave without even saying bye-bye.
Daddy, I love you more than you will ever know,
God called me home so I had to go.
I know that there may be anger deep down inside,
I’m looking from up top at your crying eyes.
Know that God has never taken an angel by mistake,
Know that God can make sure that the pain goes away.
I ask that God give you understanding as the days pass by,
And let you know that I have a smile that’s so, so bright.
If you ever want to see my face again, let the memories play,
Whenever you have questions, just kneel and pray.
Daddy, continue to do good and I’ll be right there with you,
Also standing at the gates of heaven when God come to get you.


Baby Peterson

(Written by Leukemiona "Shala" 10/11/2013)