Saturday, August 27, 2016

Writing #InMemoryOf Nykea Aldridge (Cousin of Dwyane Wade)

I've seen on social media that Dwyane Wade lost his cousin, Nykea Aldridge and my heart was sadden. It's sad when anyone lose their life but to know that her four children are left without heart go out to them all. I started tweeting in her memory this morning in hopes that he see it. I'm writing this poem right now...hoping he'll see it too. Know that I'm praying for your family. Know that I have God and His Angel's watching over you and yours. God Bless.

I wish right now was not happening
I wish that moment didn't have to occur
I wish I had taken another route
When death comes, we know not the time nor where.

On that day God said He needed an angel
My name was called and He sent for me
I know it doesn't make it any easier
I see the tears in your eyes and hear pain of your heartbeat.

I know the news of my passing hit you hard
I know that God hear our prayers and see our hearts
I went to Him and ask that He hold you close
I know my God and He will do so.

I know it seem unreal but remember the fun times we shared
Remember my laugh, the jokes I played and I'll be everywhere
You may not be able to pick up the phone and call
Just know that my love is still there loving on all of y'all.

To my children...

I know that right now this may be hard to understand
Asking where I'm at and wondering why my're not seeing
I had to go to a place that God had prepared for me
Know that my love for you will forever be.

I see the tears falling from your faces, wishing I could be there
Reaching out, wanting to hold you cause I know pains everywhere
I will always be watching over you, loving you no matter what
Your mother's love is powerful and flowing down from the heaven's above.


If I could turn back the hands of time, I would
To be standing there with you, I wish I could
Don't cry cause on my face I wear a smile
I'm home with God and my eternal life...I'm living now.

Nykea Aldridge

(Written by Leukemiona Kelley, 8/27/2016)

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

In Memory of Josh and Ryan "Rudy" Johnson (Brother's of Toya Wright)

I've seen all over social media that Toya Wright has lost her brother's to gun violence. My heart go out to her and her family. As I've written on this blog for many others who've gone through a tough loss, I wanted to do the same for her (and her family). I hope these words bring some form of comfort. Toya, know that I have God and His Angels watching over you and your family. God Bless.


Ya' know God never make mistakes...right,
I know it's hard hearing how death came that night.
But God called us home and we had to go,
We couldn't stay long cause God said so.

He called for Angels, so to the heavens we fled,
Dressed in all white led by the Angels and trumpets in hand.
Know that our lives were lived to the that.
Don't know why they chose to do it...seems all bad.

Wish you could see the beautiful place we're in...make ya' feel better,
It's always gonna hurt, the fact remains we're not physically together.
Guess what? We're watching high and flying low when needed,
What can you do when God say your mission in life was completed.

We all know that death comes, we just don't know when,
We know it hurt ya' like hell when the ground took us in.
Know that a smile sits on our face, just to have been loved by all of you,
Know that our hugs will remain every time the winds blows through.

You can still talk to us, we're listening...forever and always,
When you feel you need to see us, let those memories replay.
Wish we could hold you in our arms and tell you it'll be okay,
Know that we'll standing at heavens gates when God say you cannot stay.

We love you and don't ever let a day go by when you don't know it,
Whether it's sunny or raining out, those are signs that show it.
If we could rewind the hands of time for an hour to wipe your tears, we would,
We're together in heaven so please don't cry y'all...we good.

Josh and Rudy

(Written by Leukemiona Kelley, 8/9/2016)

**Since I don't know you on a personal level, I wrote these words as God put them in my heart. Again, I hope they bring some form of comfort to Toya Wright, friends and family. God Bless.**